QCC TechWorks WebPage Project - Using Javascript
Revamping and reorganizing of a citywide reading initiative website aimed at encouraging kids to read for fun. Original Website: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/about-us/programs/nyc-reads-365
- Bootstrap v.4.3.1 - Front-end framework
- [Javascript]
Content was taken from the NYC Department of Education (https://www.schools.nyc.gov/home) and the NYC School Library System (https://nycdoe.libguides.com/c.php?g=900770&p=6481274)
Content was the work of the following: Book Reviewers: Alison Lehner-Quam, Lehman College Andrea Swenson, East Side Community HS Cheryl Wolf, The Neighborhood School Donna Gray, NYPL Elizabeth Dejean, PS 360X Esther Keller, JHS 278K Jamie Battaglia, PS 28Q Jennifer Abounader-Ciesla, PS 149 Laura Schneid, MS 137Q Lisa Egan, Humanities Campus Margie Ho, Hunters Point Campus Schools Michele Kirschenbaum, PS 452M Taisha Gyles, PS 72M Teresa Tartaglione, MLK Educational Campus Project Manager: Janna Morishima
Coordinator: Lynne Kresta Smith
Director of Library Services: Melissa Jacobs
Some images were taken from Pexels.com and ReadAloud.org