This guide will help you integrating JohanDegraeve's xDrip4iOS aka into Loop.
ANY ISSUES??: try this repository by JohanDegraeve
PLEASE NOTE: the current project requires LoopWorkspace DEV. You must use the workspace to build this.
- Download a fresh copy of LoopWorkspace dev into a subfolder of your choice
cd ~
mkdir Code && cd Code
git clone --branch=dev --recurse-submodules
cd LoopWorkspace
- Add xDripClient submodule
git submodule add -b master xdrip-client-swift
- Open Loop.xcworkspace
- Drag xDripClient.xcodeproj from the Finder (from the xDripClient submodule) into the xcode left menu while having the loop workspace open
- Select the "Loop (Workspace)" scheme and then "Edit scheme.."
- In the Build Dialog, make sure to add xDripClientPlugin as a build target, and place it just before "ShareClientPlugin"
5 In Xcode 13 this can be accessed from the top menu
Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme
- In xcode, go to Product->"Clean Build Folder"
- Make sure you build "Loop (Workspace)" rather than "Loop"
Loop not getting xDrip data?
- Wait a moment. On first launch the plugin will probably be empty, as it doesn't prompt xDrip to re-read.
- Make sure xDrip is receiving readings! (Did you open the correct copy of xDrip? You might now have two copies. Delete both, and reinstall.)
- Make sure Loop and xDrip are using the same App Group! Really!
- Make sure both Loop and xDrip are still running in the background - try killing recent apps, then killing and reopening Loop and xDrip. Make ure they have all the iOS permissions they need.