Developed by Julia Ramos, Luan Perosa and Marcus Brandão
This project was developed with the following technologies:
Voluntei was born from the idea of combining the Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp with volunteer work, connecting information technology volunteers to non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The objective is to develop NGO websites, giving them greater visibility on the internet and improving our volunteers professionally.
In this Ironhack Web Development Bootcamp final project, we chose to develop an e-commerce with products created by Voluntei's UX / UI team.
To trial the project, clone the repository and install all dependencies. At the terminal, type:
npm install
Create a .env file in the project root folder and add the following environment variables:
REACT_APP_APIKEY=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_AUTHDOMAIN=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_DATABASEURL=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_PROJECTID=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_STORAGEBUCKET=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_MESSAGINGSENDERID=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_APPID=[copy the configuration from firebase]
REACT_APP_MEASUREMENTID=[copy the configuration from firebase]
Now, just start the application. At the terminal, type: npm start
user: [email protected]
Password: +_1VBv@h
Julia Ramos (Voluntei's founder)
Luan Perosa Chitto
Marcus Felipe Ferreira Brandão