Author: Julia Roquette
This package, which is part of the research presented in Roquette et al. (2021), includes a compilation of tools for computing rotational evolution models of stars evolving under the irradiation of far-ultraviolet radiation. The package can be used to derive the rotational evolution of stars in the mass range 0.1-1.3.
This package requires a Python3
installation with astropy
, matplotlib
, numpy
, pandas
and scipy
To install, first clone this repository:
git clone
Next, use a terminal to access the repository directory and use pip
to install:
pip install .
The module
contains a class SpinEvolutionCode
which comprises all tools to be used for modelling the rotational evolution of stars. Research notes on the implementation of this class can be found in the jupyter-notebook jupyter/SpinEvolutionModel.ipynb.
The model implemented here is based on three assumptions:
Disk-locking: During the early-PMS phase, stars with disks are locked to their disks and remain with constant rotation. The duration of the disk-locking phase is parametrised using FUV-irradiated disk-dissipation models by Winter et al. (2020) and a tool for reading and using disk-models is implemented as part of
. See notes on jupyter/FUV_TauD.ipynb. -
Internal Structure: The internal structure of stars is described by the stellar evolution models of Baraffe et al. (2015). Tools for reading these models are implemented in
. See notes on jupyter/StellarEvolution_BHAC15.ipynb. -
Magnetised Winds: At all ages, stars are subject to a wind-torque. The wind-torque adopted is the one by Matt et al. (2015).
from FIREstars.SpinEvolution import SpinEvolutionCode
Initialize the class by providing an initial time for the model, t0
, in years.
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(t0)
Following initialization, the rotational evolution is estimated by spin.dOmegadt
time, omega = spin.dOmegadt(M, Omega0, t, tau_d=0, e=0.01, wind=True, structure=True, snapshot=False, breakup=True)
: is the stellar mass in.
is the initial rotation rate, in.
is one or multiple ages for model calculation:- If
must be an array or list of ages at which snapshot values of the model will be saved. - Otherwise if
must be the final age in the model.
- If
is the disk-locking duration (in years) set as zero as default.e
is a tolerance factor which defines the size of the time-step in foward-step Euler-method. For example, in the defaulte=0.01
, the model is estimating using time-steps large enough to increasein 1% in each step.
turns on/off the wind-torque.structure
turns on/off the structure term.snapshot
sets the way in which the model's outputs are returned: - Ifsnapshot=False
(default) the model will return pairs ofand
at each time-step required for running the model with a tolerance factor
. - Ifsnapshot=True
are returned only for pre-defined timesteps provided inputed in the array
if set toTrue
, the spin evolution model has a condition that prevents stars from rotating faster than the break-up limit.
Example 1: Spin evolution of a star from 0.5 Myr to 4.5 Gyr, with a disk-lifetime of 5 Myr and an initial rotational period of 8 d.
First, to transform the period of 8 d to and vice-versa,
includes the functions period2omega
and omega2period
from FIREstars.SpinEvolution import SpinEvolutionCode, period2omega
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(0.5e6)
time, omega = spin.dOmegadt(1.0, period2omega(8.), [4.5e9], tau_d=5e6)
Example 2: Rotational period of a star at the ages 10 Myr, 120 Myr and 4.5 Gyr, considering a disk-lifetime of 5 Myr and an initial rotational period of 8 d at the age 1 Myr.
from FIREstars.SpinEvolution import SpinEvolutionCode, period2omega
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(1e6)
time, omega = spin.dOmegadt(1.0, period2omega(8.), [10e6, 120e6, 4.5e9], tau_d=5e6, snapshot=true)
can also be used to estimate the break-up limit as a function of age.
Example 3: breakup limit for a at the ages 10 Myr and 1Gyr.
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(1e6)
omega_crit = spin.get_BreakUp(1., [10e6, 1e9])
Similarly, the saturation limit used in the wind-torque can also be tracked.
Example 4: saturation limit for a at the ages 10 Myr and 1Gyr.
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(1e6)
omega_sat = spin.get_SaturationLimit1., [10e6, 1e9])
The class SpinEvolutionCode
also includes a tool for calculating "isogyrochrones" (see notes in jupyter/PeriodMassDiagrams.ipynb). Isogyrochrones are rotation tracks in period-mass space, in which the rotation of stars in the whole mass range 0.1-1.3 is evolved from a common set of initial conditions to a given age.
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(t0)
mass, period = spin.isogyrochrone(initial_period, time, fuv=False, tau_d=False,
dm=0.025, e=0.01, tau_vis=1.0, wind=True,
structure=True, breakup=True, initial_age=False,
is the rotational period at the timet0
provide a single or multiple ages (in years) at which the isogyrochrones will be estimated.fuv
set asFalse
for a model ignoring the environment. Otherwise,fuv
is the local far-ultraviolet flux in Habing flux units ().
sets the viscous timescale in the disk-dissipation model (see notes in jupyter/FUV_TauD.ipynb). Possible values are 1, 2 or 5 Myr.initial_age
, includes the isogyrochrone ate the aget0
returns an isogyrochrone with the break-up limit.tau_d
is set asFalse
if using the keywordfuv
. Otherwise,tau_d
sets a common disk-lockig duration for all the stars in the isogyrochrone.- The remaining keywords are the same as in
Example 5: Creates an isogyrochrone at the age of 15 Myrs, for stars with initial rotation of 8 d at an age of 1 Myr, which are evolving under an FUV-flux of 1,000. Using steps of
and considering a disk with viscosity timescale of 1 Myr.
spin = SpinEvolutionCode(1e6)
mass, period = spin.isogyrochrone(8., 15e6, fuv=1000., dm=0.05, e=0.01, tau_vis=1.0)