This project was developed in a course I took called "Next.js: the react framework for production" (original title: "Next.js: el framework de react para producción") on Udemy. However, I improved 99% of the visual interface and adapted it to the design of the official Tesla store, since the design of the course project was pretty bad. In addition, I added new features the course project does not have, such as responsive design, form feedback, not-found page, search page, search feature and many other improvements.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://...
- Create a copy of the
file and rename it to.env
- Install node dependencies
npm install
- Run the database
docker compose up -d
- Run the database
npx prisma migrate dev --name "dev"
- Run the seed command
npm run seed
- Run the project
npm run dev
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 0dEl?1/X
npx prisma migrate deploy
npm run seed
npm run build