NEOSServer.jl is a wrapper for the NEOS Server, a free internet-based service for solving numerical optimization problems.
See here for the full list of solvers and input formats that NEOS supports.
This wrapper is maintained by the JuMP community and is not an official interface of the NEOS Server.
If you need help, please ask a question on the JuMP community forum.
If you have a reproducible example of a bug, please open a GitHub issue.
is licensed under the MIT License.
Use of the NEOS Server requires you to comply with NEOS Server terms of use.
In particular, the commercial solvers are to be used solely for academic, non-commercial research purposes.
Install NEOSServer.jl using the package manager:
import Pkg
This package contains an interface for the NEOS XML-RPC API.
The following example shows how you can interact with the API. Wrapped XML-RPC
functions begin with neos_
and are exported.
using NEOSServer
# Create a server. You must supply a valid email:
server = NEOSServer.Server("[email protected]")
# Print the NEOS welcome message:
# Get an XML template:
xml_string = neos_getSolverTemplate(server, "milp", "Cbc", "AMPL")
# Modify template with problem data...
# Submit the XML job to NEOS:
job = neos_submitJob(server, xml_string)
# Get the status of the Job from NEOS:
status = neos_getJobStatus(server, job)
# Get the final results:
results = neos_getFinalResults(server, job)
Use NEOSServer.jl with JuMP as follows:
using JuMP, NEOSServer
model = Model() do
return NEOSServer.Optimizer(; email = "[email protected]", solver = "Ipopt")
Note: NEOSServer.Optimizer
is limited to the following solvers:
NEOS currently limits jobs to an 8 hour time limit, 3 GB of memory, and a 16 MB submission file. If your model exceeds these limits, NEOSServer.jl may be unable to return useful information to the user.