Music Player App project developed using Xamarin Forms and the following:
- Xamrin Forms Brushes
- Xamarin Essentials
- Acr.UserDialog
- CollectionView
- FontAwesome
- FFImageLoading
- Plugin.MediaManager
- Newtonsoft.Json
- PatuaOne Font
- Moq
- Local Db-json server
- Splash Activity
- Android Asset Studio
- MVVM Pattern
- Xamarin Forms
Main Page | Artist Page | Favorite Page | Player Page |
- Install json-server following this link.
- Locate the file db.json on the resources folder.
- Open cmd, move to the db.json route and run this command
json-server --watch db.json
(the dafault port is 3000). - Open a new tab on Google Chrome
and connect your mobile phone.
5. Click on Port forwading.
6. Add a new port, for this case 3000 - localhost:3000.
7. Check Enable port forwarding.
8. Click on Done.