This is the repository for our final project of COS484: Natural Language Processing (Spring 2022). For our project, we replicated experiments from the 2021 ACL paper Implicit Representations of Meaning in Neural Language Models by Li et al. and contributed our original ablation experiments. This repo has been forked from the original repo that the authors provide. The code we have written on top of the preexisting codebase can be seen in the ./blames
directory, but summarized here for your convenience:
: Since we ran our jobs in Adroit cluster, considerable effort was spent on writing SLURM jobs to be executed in the cluster. The provided scripts are not a complete list but constitutes the necessary majority that covers enough ground to more easily replicate for the multilingual models (m-models) later on.- Because GPU jobs in the Adroit Cluster do not have Internet access, we cloned pretrained transformer models from Huggingface into the local hard drive. When calling
from bash scripts to finetune a NLM, we included an extra flag--local_files_only
in the argument to toggle on the offline training mode. This is something not included by the original codebase, but necessary for our code to run. - Adding mBART (refer to this commit):
: mBAR-relatedtransformers
functions are added and in the logical statementsarch=='mbart'
is introduced as another possible scenario../data/alchemy/
: When the architecture is BART-like, we would like to add spaces in the Natural Language (NL) representation of the Alchemy states (similar but different correction is needed for T5-like architecture as well)../data/alchemy/
: See./data/alchemy/
: See./
- Known Bugs: The tokenizer creates more tokens than the
can handle, hence mBart on Alchemy is yet to work.
- Adding mT5 (refer to this commit):
: mT5-relatedtransformers
functions are added and in the logical statementsarch=='mt5'
is introduced as another possible scenario../data/alchemy/
: Some formatting for batch preparation is needed, hence handled in a T5-like manner../scripts/*
: See./
- As mT5 on TextWorld was initially not working due to the PyTorch bug with message "Overflow when unpacking long", we ended up limiting the
of theMT5TokenizerFast
to be 512 across the board (refer to this commit).
- Since the original
file was written without accommodations for hyperparameter optimization, saving multiple LM checkpoints of the same model would cause naming collison. To avoid overwriting LM checkpoints of models with different hyperparameters, we made changes to line 55-56 of the file and resolved this problem (refer to this commit).
Create and set up a conda environment as follows:
conda create -n state-probes python=3.7
conda activate state-probes
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the appropriate torch 1.7.0 for your cuda version:
conda install pytorch==1.7.0 cudatoolkit=<cuda_version> -c pytorch
Before running any command below, run
The Alchemy data is downloaded from their website.
The synthetic version of alchemy was generated by running:
echo 0 > id #the code requires a file called id with a number in it ...
python --num_scenarios 3600 --output synth_alchemy_train
python --num_scenarios 500 --output synth_alchemy_dev
python --num_scenarios 900 --output synth_alchemy_test
You can also just download our generated data through:
tar -xzvf synth_alchemy.tar.gz
The Textworld data is under
tar -xzvf tw_data.tar.gz
To train a (m)BART or (m)T5 model on Alchemy data
python scripts/ \
--arch [t5|bart|mbart|mt5] [--no_pretrain] \
[--synthetic] --encode_init_state NL
Saves model checkpoints under sconeModels/*
To train a (m)BART or (m)T5 model on Textworld data
python scripts/ \
--arch [t5|bart|mbart|mt5] [--no_pretrain] \
--data tw_data/simple_traces --gamefile tw_games/simple_games
Saves model checkpoints nder twModels/*
The main probe command is as follows:
python scripts/ \
--arch [bart|t5|mbart|mt5] --lm_save_path <path_to_lm_checkpoint> [--no_pretrain] \
--encode_init_state NL --nonsynthetic \
--probe_target single_beaker_final.NL --localizer_type single_beaker_init_full \
--probe_type linear --probe_agg_method avg \
--encode_tgt_state NL.[bart|t5|mbart|mt5] --tgt_agg_method avg \
--batchsize 128 --eval_batchsize 1024 --lr 1e-4
For evaluation, add --eval_only --probe_save_path <path_to_probe_checkpoint>
. This will save model predictions to a .jsonl
file under the same directory as the probe checkpoint.
Add --control_input
for No LM experiment.
Change --probe_target
to single_beaker_init.NL
to decode initial state.
For localization experiments, set --localizer_type single_beaker_init_{$i}.offset{$off}
for some token i
in {article, pos.[R0|R1|R2], beaker.[R0|R1], verb, amount, color, end_punct}
and some integer offset off
between 0 and 6.
Saves probe checkpoints under probe_models_alchemy/*
Intervention experiment results follow from running the script:
python scripts/ \
--arch [bart|t5|mbart|mt5] \
--encode_init_state NL \
--create_type drain_1 \
--lm_save_path <path_to_lm_checkpoint>
which creates two contexts and replaces a select few encoded tokens to modify the underlying belief state.
Begin by creating the full set of encoded proposition representations
python scripts/ \
--data tw_data/simple_traces --gamefile tw_data/simple_games \
--state_model_arch [bart|t5|mbart|mt5] \
--probe_target belief_facts_pair \
--state_model_path [None|pretrain|<path_to_lm_checkpoint>] \
--out_file <path_to_prop_encodings>
Run the probe with
python scripts/ \
--arch [bart|t5|mbart|mt5] --data tw_data/simple_traces --gamefile tw_data/simple_games \
--probe_target final.full_belief_facts_pair --encode_tgt_state NL.[bart|t5|mbart|mt5] \
--localizer_type belief_facts_pair_[first|last|all] --probe_type 3linear_classify \
--probe_agg_method avg --tgt_agg_method avg \
--lm_save_path <path_to_lm_checkpoint> [--no_pretrain] \
--ents_to_states_file <path_to_prop_encodings> \
--eval_batchsize 256 --batchsize 32
For evaluation, add --eval_only --probe_save_path <path_to_probe_checkpoint>
. This will save model predictions to a .jsonl
file under the same directory as the probe checkpoint.
Add --control_input
for No LM experiment.
Change --probe_target
to init.full_belief_facts_pair
to decode initial state.
For remap experiments, change --probe_target
to final.full_belief_facts_pair.control_with_rooms
For decoding from just one side of propositions, replace any instance of belief_facts_pair
(in --probe_target
and --localizer_type
) with belief_facts_single
and rerun both commands (first get the full proposition encodings, then run the probe).
Saves probe checkpoints under probe_models_textworld/*
Print full metrics (state EM, entity EM, subdivided by relations vs. propositions, etc.) using scripts/
python scripts/ \
--arch [bart|t5|mbart|mt5] --domain [alchemy|textworld] \
--pred_files <path_to_model_predictions_1>,<path_to_model_predictions_2>,<path_to_model_predictions_3>,... \
[--use_remap_domain --remap_fn <path_to_remap_model_predictions>] \