Welcome to JAM! If you've made it this far you already know we are an event planning app aimed at making it easier to both plan get togethers with friends and split the cost of having them, be it a group trip to vegas or a movie night with pizza. What you are really interested in is how we have made such an amazing app and you want to see this masterpiece of code, so let's take a look!
First, clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Luigi-Faldetta/JAM-Join-Arrange-Manage.git
To install the required packages, navigate to both server and client folders and run
npm install
For the server, run npm run server
For the clinent, run npm start
We are using PostgreSQL for the database, so make sure you are familiar with it.
Back End: NodeJS, TypeScript, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, JWT, socket.io, Nodemailer, Heroku.
Front End: ReactJS, TypeScript, Redux, socket.io, TailwindCSS, Flowbite, daisyUI, Cloudinary, Moment.js.
Testing: Jest, Supertest, Cypress
testing is presently consolidated to either front end or backend, however the command is the same. simply run "npm test" from either the server or client folders to run their respective tests.
on the backend, jest should run normally in the terminal.
frontend testing is done with cypress. if you have not used it before there will be some very minor set up that it will guide you through.
Any feedback or suggestions are welcome. Please reach us at [email protected]
By Anna, Juliana, Chris, Marcelo, Luigi and Alejandro
Anna Kucherenko - Github - LinkedIn
Luigi Faldetta - Github - LinkedIn
Alejandro Penalver Munita - Github - LinkedIn
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