Add Inspector APM support for Magento
- Install the module composer by running
composer require justbetter/magento2-inspectorapm (--dev)
- enable the module by running
php bin/magento module:enable JustBetter_InspectorApm
- Flush the cache by running
php bin/magento cache:flush
return [
'inspector_apm' => [
'ingestion_key' => $_ENV['INSPECTOR_INGESTION_KEY'] ?? '...',
// Optional, default:
'url' => $_ENV['INSPECTOR_URL'] ?? '',
To your env.php.
If you wish to use buggregator instead of inspector you can set the configuration to
return [
'inspector_apm' => [
'ingestion_key' => $_ENV['INSPECTOR_INGESTION_KEY'] ?? 'anything-as-its-not-used',
'url' => $_ENV['INSPECTOR_URL'] ?? 'http://[email protected]:8000',
In your env.php.
return [
'db' => [
'connection' => [
'default' => [
'profiler' => [
'class' => 'JustBetter\\InspectorApm\\Profiler\\Driver\\DbProfiler',
'enabled' => true
in your env.php to enable the db profiler. This will automatically profile all database transactions.
run bin/magento inspector:enable
to enable the regular profiler.
This will profile all calls to \Magento\Framework\Profiler::start which you can add in your own code to measure it's performance.
If you want to disable all Magento and Zend provided profiling but still want to profile some functions, you can use dependency injection to get "\JustBetter\InspectorApm\Helper\Inspector" and call any of it's underlying functions.