This code implements the video- and sensor-based action segmentation models from Temporal Convolutional Networks for Action Segmentation and Detection by Colin Lea, Michael Flynn, Rene Vidal, Austin Reiter, Greg Hager arXiv 2016.
It was originally developed for use with the 50 Salads, GTEA, MERL Shopping, and JIGSAWS datasets.
Expanding upon the publicly available JIGSAW dataset, several machine learning algorithms were optimized for use in real robotics applications derived from radical prostatectomies, from da Vinci Surgical Systems (SI model).
Requirements: TensorFlow, Keras (1.1.2+), Python 3.5
Requirements (optional):
- Numba: This makes the metrics much faster to compute but can be removed is necessary.
- LCTM: Our older Conditional Random Field-based models
-- Main script for evaluation. I suggest interactively working with this in an iPython
-- Script to output stats on each set of
-- Adapters for processing specific datasets with a common
-- Functions for computing other performance metrics. These usually take the formscore(P, Y, bg_class)
are the predictions,Y
are the ground-truth labels, andbg_class
is the background
-- Models built with TensorFlow /
-- Utilities for manipulating data.
The features used for many of the datasets we use are linked below. The video features are the output of a Spatial CNN trained using image and motion information as mentioned in the paper. To get features from the MERL dataset talk to Bharat Signh at UMD.
Each set of features should be placed in the features
folder (e.g., [TCN_directory]/features/GTEA/SpatialCNN/
- 50 Salads (mid-level action granularity)
- 50 Salads (eval/higher-level action granularity)
- JIGSAWS: Email [email protected] for permission. Can only be used for academic purposes.
- MERL Shopping: Email Bharat Signh at UMD for features.
Each .mat file contains three or four types of data: 'Y' refers to the ground truth action labels for each sequence, 'X' is the per-frame probability as output from a Spatial CNN applied to each frame of video, 'A' is the 128-dim intermediate fully connected layer from the Spatial CNN applied at each frame, and if available 'S' is the sensor data (accelerometer signals in 50 Salads, robot kinematics in JIGSAWS).
There are a set of corresponding splits for each dataset in [TCN_directory]/splits/[dataset].
These should be easy to use with the dataset loader included here.
Similar to the JIGSAW dataset (further description found here), which was collected from the da Vinci SI model, real patient data was collected for both kinematics and video streams for in-depth analysis of real life applications of machine learning techniques in robot-assisted surgery. This dataset was the ultimate set from which variants of ML algorithms were tested and developed.
This data is not publicly available. However, questions regarding the data can be directed at (Justin) Hyobin You ([email protected]).
The results and the parameters to achieve them can be found here.
For questions regarding the architectures used for optimization of real surgical data, contact (Justin) Hyobin You at [email protected].