Create React components through CLI.
npm install @justinjung04/create-react-component --save-dev
npx crc
npx create-react-component
When the question comes up, you can write your component's name
Component name(s): MyButton
To create multiple components, add the names with comma
Component name(s): Header, Body, Footer
Exports an object with following properties:
(string): Base path for components to be created. Default is'src/components'
(string): Type of React component. Accepts one of'normal'|'pure'|'function'
. Default is'normal'
(boolean): Whether to create TypeScript files. Default isfalse
(boolean): Whether to create test file. Default isfalse
(string): Extension of the stylesheet. Accepts one of'css'|'scss'|'less'|'none'
. Default is'css'
(object): To fully customize templates and file componsitions. Accepts following properties:basePath
(string): Path to custom template folder. Default is'crc-templates'
(array): Array of files to be generated from the custom template. For example,myTemplate: [ myTemplate.js.js, myTemplate.css.js ]
- Create template files in a folder. Note the naming convention
- my-templates
- index.js.js
- index.css.js
- Each template file is a JavaScript that takes
as argument and returns a new string.
module.exports = componentName => (
`console.log(Hello ${componentName}!);`
- Add the custom template to
module.exports = {
custom: {
basePath: 'my-template',
template1: [
- Run the command with
option (or--custom
npx crc -c template1
Usage: npx crc [options]
-v, --version Prints the version number
-h, --help Prints the help message
-n, --normal Create component(s) extending React.Component (default)
-p, --pure Create component(s) extending React.PureComponent
-f, --function Create function component(s)
-c, --custom Create custom component(s) based on custom templates
--javascript Create JavaScript files (default)
--typescript Create TypeScript files
--test Include test files
--notest Do not include test files (default)
--css Inlcude .css file (default)
--less Inlcude .less file
--scss Inlcude .scss file
--nocss Do not inlcude .css file
--path Set path to the component folder