A ticket booth service program written completely in java. This is a program that runs on the command line.
Built with: Java
login *username* (Username must exist in the currentUsersAccountsFile.txt in order to successfully log in)\ create *username* *userType* *creditAmount* (Existing User Types: SS,FS,BS,AA) (AA is admin)\ sell *eventTitle* *ticketPrice* *numberOfTickets* (Adds a listing to the text file availableTicketsFile.txt and allows users to purchase it)\ buy *eventTitle* *numberOfTickets* *sellerUsername* (Buys the specified ticket and deducts the amount from the current user that is logged in)\ delete *username* (Admin Command: deletes a user from the currentUsersAccountsFile.txt file)\ refund *buyerUsername* *sellerUsername* *creditAmount* (Admin Command: Adds specified creditAmount back to the buyer and deducts it from the seller)\ addcredit *creditAmount* (Adds specified creditAmount to the current user that is logged in)\ addcredit *creditAmount* *username* (Admin Command: Adds specified creditAmount to the specified username)
txtfiles Info: availableTicketsFile.txt: Lists all of the available tickets that users can buy. Users are also able to add more to this list by using the command "sell" currentUsersAccountsFile.txt: Lists all of the existing users of the program. dailyTransactionFile.txt: Displays all of the actions the user does within one session of using the ticket booth program. mergedDailyTransactionFile.txt: Stores everything from dailyTransactionFile.txt to this file and keeps it after the program is terminated.
Change directory to the src folder: "cd src" Make sure every java file is compiled: "javac *fileName*.java" Run the main java file: "java main"