simple-rpc-telegram-bot Public
really terrible telegram chatbot for kicking off my torscraper
my-blog-posts Public
my blog posts, about purescript, nix, rust, haskell, etc.
nix-shorts Public
A collection of short notes about Nix, down to what is immediately needed for users.
spago2nix Public
Generate a derivation of (old) Spago dependencies, and use them to install them into the directory structure used by Spago.
testcontainers-hs Public
Forked from testcontainers/testcontainers-hsDocker containers for your integration tests! http://hackage.haskell.org/package/testcontainers
Haskell MIT License UpdatedJun 13, 2024 -
zipkin-cpp-opentracing Public
Forked from rnburn/zipkin-cpp-opentracingOpenTracing Tracer implementation for Zipkin in C++
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 17, 2024 -
Simple generics-rep based implementations for Simple-JSON. You should read the Simple-JSON guide page here: https://purescript-simple-json.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generics-rep.html
purescript-sunde Public archive
Provides a Aff interface to Node Child Process Spawn
easy-purescript-nix Public
Easy PureScript (and other tools) with Nix
Nix UpdatedJul 10, 2023 -
purescript-simple-json Public
A simple Purescript JSON library that uses types automatically
easy-dhall-nix Public
Derivations for easily downloading Dhall binaries and putting them to use.
purescript-redux-devtools Public
Some bindings to work with Redux DevTools.
purescript-resources Public
This is a repository for a docs site on how to figure things out in PureScript as recommended by me.
nixpkgs-fmt Public
Forked from nix-community/nixpkgs-fmtNix code formatter for nixpkgs [maintainer=@zimbatm]
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 6, 2023 -
purescript-record-extra Public archive
Extra functions for working with Records
cabal-fmt Public
Forked from phadej/cabal-fmtAn experiment of formatting .cabal files
Haskell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 4, 2022