A collection of scripts to get information from APIs and print them out in t-ui launcher for Android.
Video walktrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mceulRDLyww
*** Needs root and busybox to install awk until we find a better solution ***
- Get the latest release by
- downloading the latest release from https://github.com/juzim/tuiapis/releases and unzip/untar it
- (recommended) use a git client for Android (for example mgit) and clone the repository https://github.com/juzim/tuiapis.git. This way you can just pull new changes without affecting your config
- Download JSON.awk into the helper directory
- Copy all exiting config files from the folders under "apis" (just skip those without configs) to the "config" folder and adjust the fields
- Copy the file
to your config folder, rename it toconfig.sh
and modify the paths if necessary - (optional) if you used the zip method, you can protect your config files from being overwritten by updates by moving them to another directory outside of tuiapis and call the script with --config=YOURNEWDIRECTORY, for example:
sh tuiapis.sh --config=/storage/emulated/0/mytuiapiconfig reddit news
. While this seems complicated to type, you should use aliases anyways where you can just copy&paste the command
./tuiapis.sh wikipedia LANGUAGE QUERY
./tuiapis.sh wikipedia en Berlin Wall
- There are formating issues with some utf-8 characters
- The queries are case sensitive
./tuiapis.sh weather-darksky
Fetches top posts of a subreddit
./tuiapis.sh reddit SUBREDDIT
./tuiapis.sh reddit news
Fetches headlines from news sources from newsapi.org
All sources are listed at https://newsapi.org/sources
./tuiapis.sh newsapi SOURCE
./tuiapis.sh newsapi cnn
The best way to use the script is by creating aliases. Using the alias -file
command in t-ui allows you to copy&paste the commands easily.
wde=sh /storage/emulated/0/repos/tuiapis.sh --config=/storage/emulated/0/mytuiapiconfig wikipedia de %
red=sh /storage/emulated/0/repos/tuiapis.sh --config=/storage/emulated/0/mytuiapiconfig reddit % 10```
## Troubleshooting
- The WORKDIR path should be absolute so the script can be run from any folder
- To download JSON.awk, go to the linked repository and click on the file "JSON.awk" and then on the button "raw"
- Use the ```--debug``` option to get more verbose output (only for curl atm)
- Check the content of the files in the tmp folder for the APIs response