Download and manipulate SIPP data
Survey of income and program participation (SIPP)
if the census bureau’s budget was gutted and only one complex sample survey survived, pray it’s the survey of income and program participation (sipp). it’s giant. it’s rich with variables. it’s monthly. it follows households over three, four, now five year panels. the congressional budget office uses it for their health insurance simulation. analysts read that sipp has person-month files, get scurred, and retreat to inferior options. the american community survey may be the mount everest of survey data, but sipp is most certainly the amazon. questions swing wild and free through the jungle canopy i mean core data dictionary. legend has it that there are still species of topical module variables that scientists like you have yet to analyze. ponce de león would’ve loved it here. ponce. what a name. what a guy. Anthony Damico
IPUMS is a great website to pull micro Census data. It's easy and free of charge. However, it doesn't provides information for SIPP.
DataFerrett from Census. It's easy to use. However, I've never find it's an easy way to pull micro census data. Correct me if it's because that I didn't use it in the right way.
This repo is used to pull and manipulate SIPP data from The Data Web in Census, if you'd rather use R instead of SAS.