I eat Notes for breakfast.
Its a Very Hungry Noteworm.
Usage: noteworm [COMMAND]
backup Backup Repository
clean Clean Repository
report Generate Reports for Repository
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
This project is a tool that I use to backup and clean my Obsidian repositories. It does a one way syncronisation from my working folder (that I store/sync using cloud storage) to a separate repository that I also periodically backup in GitHub.
Trigger the backup command.
Backup Repository
Usage: noteworm backup [OPTIONS] --destination <DESTINATION>
-s, --source <SOURCE> Source Path (File Path) [default: .]
-d, --destination <DESTINATION> Destination Path (File Path)
-t, --test
-h, --help Print help