All configuration is defined in the appsettings.json. All found keys are written to a local CSV file.
- region: your s3 region to operate against
- accessKey: your s3 accessKey for authentication
- secretKey: your s3 secretKey for authentication
- bucketName: your s3 bucket name to operate against
- minSizeBytes: min size threshold to filter object results
- min: 0
- max: long.MaxValue
- set to -1 to ignore filter
- maxSizeBytes: max size threshold to filter object results
- min: 0
- max: long.MaxValue
- set to -1 to ignore filter
- keyPattern: c# regular expression pattern to filter object results
- sourceDataFilePath: When set, operations will be performed on the data read from the provided CSV file (assumes first column is the key)
- action: Name of the post-find action
- Options: "DELETE", "RENAME"
- dryRun: When set to true, does not perform any PUT calls to s3
- batchSize: The maximum number of s3 calls to make in parallel for a given action
- Note: this does not guarantee the number of parallel calls
- settings: action specific settings (see actions)
(* = actions setting is required)
- Delete: Deletes all found objects, and writes successful ops to CSV
- Rename: Copies all found objects, and writes successful ops to CSV
- settings
- find*: a c# regular expression to match in the object key
- replace*: the string replacement for matches in the object key
- deleteSource: when set to true, the source object is deleted on a successful copy
- settings
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true -c release