A package to do various panchaanga (traditional vedic astronomical / astrological) calculations, produce calendars.
For a survey of similar software, see here.
- This code will have common panchaanga and utsava computation parts which can be used with platform specific ephemeris code; while reusing the old festival db from adyatithi.
- The code itself will be capable of typical (amAnta, chitra-at-180 ayanAMsha, असङ्क्रान्तिमासोऽधिकः ) based calculation as well as the ancient but now uncommon tropical lunisolar system.
For detailed examples and help, please see individual module files - especially test files in this package.
Contributions welcome! Please see some basic comments (pertaining to the time format used internally, API layers required) in the base jyotisha package though.
Every push to this repository SHOULD pass tests. We should have a rich, functional set of tests at various levels. Saves everyone's time.
You can see the status of failing tests and builds at https://github.com/sanskrit-coders/jyotisha-kotlin/actions . PS: You can probably subscribe to get email notification on failed workflow runs as well - I'm getting these.
Have a problem or question? Please head to github.
- Besides multi-platform targetting, Kotlin was chosen (over say Scala) because of it's good corporate (intellij) support + adaption, simplicity, richer language features (compared to Java).
- The compact and popular swiss ephemeris code is ported for use in JVM languages as well.