A simple zero-dependency go package that provides a Ruby-like Hash.dig
mechanism for map[string]any
, which in YAML is refered to as "Mapping".
The provided dig.Mapping
is handy when unmarshaling arbitrary YAML/JSON documents.
package main
import (
var yamlDoc = []byte(`---
se: Hejsan
fi: Moi
se: Värld
fi: Maailma
func main() {
m := dig.Mapping{}
if err := yaml.Unmarshal(yamlDoc, &m); err != nil {
// You can use DigMapping to access a deeply nested map and set values.
// Any missing Mapping level in between will be created.
m.DigMapping("i18n", "hello")["es"] = "Hola"
m.DigMapping("i18n", "world")["es"] = "Mundo"
langs := []string{"fi", "se", "es"}
for _, l := range langs {
// You can use Dig to access a deeply nested value
greeting := m.Dig("i18n", "hello", l).(string)
// ..or DigString to avoid having to cast it to string.
target := m.DigString("i18n", "world", l)
fmt.Printf("%s, %s!\n", greeting, target)
Moi, Maailma!
Hejsan, Värld!
Hola, Mundo!