This library is insperated by Vladimir Khorikov, the author of Unit Testing: Principles, Patterns and Practices and makes checks in tests more readable.
You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer:
composer require --dev k2gl/phpunit-fluent-assertions
Write tests as usual, just use fluent assertions short aliases check($x)->...;
, expect($x)->...;
or fact($x)->...;
instead of self::assert...($x, $y)
// arrange
$user = UserFactory::createOne([
'phone' => $phoneBefore = faker()->e164PhoneNumber;
// act
$phoneAfter = faker()->e164PhoneNumber
// assert
// traditional PHPUnit assertions
self::assertSame(expected: $phoneAfter, actual: $user->getPhone());
self::assertNotSame(expected: $phoneBefore, actual: $user->getPhone());
// fluent assertions
->ulid() // Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
'a' => ['any' => 'thing'],
'b' => ['any' => 'thing', 'type' => 'candy', 'color' => 'green'],
'c' => ['miss' => 'kiss', 'foo' => 'bar', 'any' => 'thing'],
'd' => ['any' => 'thing'],
'c' => ['foo' => 'bar', 'miss' => 'kiss'],
'b' => ['color' => 'green'],
); // true