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Terraform module for Datadog Aws Services

This module uses datadog's feature to monitor AWS Service status page. This blog post explains what we've set up Note that Datadog scrapes the status page from AWS and this can lag a bit.

This module is part of a larger suite of modules that provide alerts in Datadog. Other modules can be found on the Terraform Registry

We have two base modules we use to standardise development of our Monitor Modules:

Modules are generated with this tool:

Example Usage

module "aws_eu_west_1" {
  source = "kabisa/aws-services/datadog"

  for_each = toset([
  env                  = "prd"
  notification_channel = "[email protected]"

  include_tags = [
  by_tags = [
  name_suffix = each.key

Module Variables


Monitor name Default enabled Priority Query

Getting started developing

pre-commit was used to do Terraform linting and validating.


  • Install pre-commit. E.g. brew install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install in this repo. (Every time you clone a repo with pre-commit enabled you will need to run the pre-commit install command)
  • That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (.tf file), the hooks in the hooks: config .pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

Module Variables

variable default required description
enabled True No
critical_threshold 1 No
warning_threshold None No
ok_threshold 1 No
no_data_timeframe None No How long before we decide we got no data. Note that the scrape interval is approx 10 minutes
notify_no_data False No Whether we notify ourselves if there's no data. Scrape interval is approx 10 minutes
note Scrape interval is approx 10 minutes No
docs Check the AWS Service status in case this alert is raised. This monitor checks the AWS Status page ( as per No
alerting_enabled True No
include_tags ['*'] No This allows you to target a specific region or service
exclude_tags [] No This allows you to exclude specific services or regions
by_tags ['region', 'service'] No Create an alert per . Behaves like a group by
priority 1 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).
env Yes
service AWS No
notification_channel Yes
additional_tags [] No
locked True No
name_prefix "" No
name_suffix "" No