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include chainid in TokenMessage encoding
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imalsogreg committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 9c3f015 commit 0774aca
Showing 2 changed files with 55 additions and 17 deletions.
70 changes: 54 additions & 16 deletions src/Pact/Native.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ module Pact.Native
, describeNamespaceSchema
, dnUserGuard, dnAdminGuard, dnNamespaceName
, cdPrevBlockHash
, encodeTokenMessage
) where

import Control.Arrow hiding (app, first)
@@ -66,16 +67,19 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as AP
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Binary.Get (Get, runGetOrFail, getWord64be, getByteString)
import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut, putWord64be, putByteString)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.URL as B64URL
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Bits
import Data.Decimal (Decimal)
import Data.Default
import Data.DoubleWord (Word128(..), Word256(..))
import Data.Functor(($>))
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.List as L (nubBy)
@@ -1637,36 +1641,44 @@ hyperlaneDecodeTokenMessageDef =
-- (The only change we make to its output is to strip error messages).
-- TODO: standard alphabet, or URL?
computeGas' i (GHyperlaneDecodeTokenMessage (T.length msg)) $
case B64.decode (T.encodeUtf8 msg) of
case B64URL.decode (T.encodeUtf8 msg) of
Left _ -> evalError' i $ "Failed to base64-decode token message"
Right bytes -> do
sourceChain <- ifExecutionFlagSet FlagDisablePact40 (pure $ toTerm @Text "none") $
fmap toTerm $ view $ eePublicData . pdPublicMeta . pmChainId
case runGetOrFail getTokenMessageERC20 (BS.fromStrict bytes) of
-- In case of Binary decoding failure, emit a terse error message.
-- This protects us from exposure to changes in Binary's message
-- format. (TODO: Do we suppress error messages on-chain anyway?)
Left _ -> evalError' i $ "Failed to decode TokenMessage bytes"
-- If the error message begins with TokenError, we know that we
-- created it, and it is going to be stable (non-forking).
-- If it does not start with TokenMessage, it may have come from
-- the Binary library, and we will suppress it to shield ourselves
-- from forking behavior if we update our Binary version.
-- (TODO: Do we suppress error messages on-chain anyway?)
Left (_,_,e) | "TokenMessage" `isPrefixOf` e -> evalError' i $ "Decoding error: " <> pretty e
Left _ -> evalError' i "Decoding error: binary decoding failed"
-- TODO: Do we need to assert that the bytes are fully consumed
-- by parsing?
-- TODO: Is this format correct? I.e. field names?
Right (_,_,(recipient, amount)) ->
Right (_,_,(amount, chain, recipient)) ->
pure $ toTObject TyAny def
[("recipient", TLiteral (LString recipient) def)
,("amount", TLiteral (LDecimal $ wordToDecimal amount) def)
,("chainId", sourceChain)
,("chainId", toTerm chain)
_ -> argsError i args

-- The TokenMessage contains a recipient (text) and an amount (word-256).
getTokenMessageERC20 :: Get (Text, Word256)
getTokenMessageERC20 :: Get (Word256, ChainId, Text)
getTokenMessageERC20 = do
_firstOffset <- getWord256be

-- Parse the size of the following amount field.
amountSize <- fromIntegral @Word256 @Int <$> getWord256be
unless (amountSize == 96)
(fail $ "TokenMessage amountSize expected 96, found " ++ show amountSize)
tmAmount <- getWord256be
tmChainId <- getWord256be

recipientSize <- getWord256be
tmRecipient <- T.decodeUtf8 <$> getRecipient recipientSize
return $ (tmRecipient, tmAmount)
return (tmAmount, ChainId { _chainId = T.pack (show (toInteger tmChainId))}, tmRecipient)
getWord256be = Word256 <$> getWord128be <*> getWord128be
getWord128be = Word128 <$> getWord64be <*> getWord64be
@@ -1677,14 +1689,40 @@ hyperlaneDecodeTokenMessageDef =
getRecipient size = do
recipient <- BS.take (fromIntegral size) <$> getByteString (fromIntegral $ size + restSize size)
if BS.length recipient < fromIntegral size
then fail "Recipient was smaller than expected"
then fail "TokenMessage recipient was smaller than expected"
else pure recipient

-- | Returns the modular of 32 bytes.
restSize :: Integral a => a -> a
restSize size = (32 - size) `mod` 32

wordToDecimal :: Word256 -> Decimal
wordToDecimal w =
let ethInWei = 1000000000000000000 -- 1e18
in fromRational (toInteger w % ethInWei)
in fromRational (toInteger w % ethInWei)

encodeTokenMessage :: BS.ByteString -> Word256 -> Word256 -> Text
encodeTokenMessage recipient amount chain = T.decodeUtf8 $ B64URL.encode (BS.toStrict bytes)
bytes = runPut $ do
putWord256be (96 :: Word256)
putWord256be amount
putWord256be chain
putWord256be recipientSize
putByteString recipientBytes

(recipientBytes, recipientSize) = padRight recipient

putWord256be :: Word256 -> Put
putWord256be (Word256 x y) = putWord128be x >> putWord128be y

putWord128be :: Word128 -> Put
putWord128be (Word128 x y) = putWord64be x >> putWord64be y

padRight :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, Word256)
padRight s =
size = BS.length s
missingZeroes = restSize size
in (s <> BS.replicate missingZeroes 0, fromIntegral size)

-- | Returns the modular of 32 bytes.
restSize :: Integral a => a -> a
restSize size = (32 - size) `mod` 32
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
;; Test hyperlane-message-id
;; Test hyperlane builtins.

(expect "computes the correct message id" "0x97d98aa7fdb548f43c9be37aaea33fca79680247eb8396148f1df10e6e0adfb7" (hyperlane-message-id {"destinationDomain": 1,"nonce": 325,"originDomain": 626,"recipient": "0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F","sender": "0x6b622d746f6b656e2d726f75746572","tokenMessage": {"amount": 10000000000000000000.0,"recipient": "0x71C7656EC7ab88b098defB751B7401B5f6d8976F"},"version": 1}))

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