Pokered (disassembly of Pokemon Red and Blue), work in progress almost 0% complete, planned to be edited with:
- Japanese layout (UI) and various other changes to be like the Japanese (Pokedex layout, badge screen, currently held pokemon page, number of pokemon per box, etc)
- Inuktitut text (translated from a mix of the Japanese original and official English translation - English is chosen where the two mean the same and the result would be shorter sentences with simpler grammar in the resulting Inuktitut)
- Alphabet switching between the Latin alphabet and Inuktitut syllabics
- Various changes and enhancements in line with the Pokemon creator's dreams for what Pokemon was to be, which I gleamed from reading biographies in Japanese about him, the leaked development materials, the complains about ROM space that existed at the time, and so on. This typically means very simple changes like more varied overworld sprites for pokemon (his big deal was he wanted pokemon to be expressive and feel unique, giving the player an emotional attachment to them, but he was limited in possibilities due to programmers quitting and lack of funding).
Other disassemblies or their pages which link to tutorials, used as reference when coding:
- poke disassembly discord:
- pret's pokered (original source code the whole project is based on):
- pocketrgb-en (Japanese layout reference):
- shinpokered (Japanese layout reference):
- pokered-jp (Japanese layout reference):
- mauvesea's pokered (Japanese layout reference):
- pokered tutorials:
- pokeyellow:
- pokegold:
- pokecrystal: