- 本报告的形成是基于开源社与CSDN携手推出的“2015年中国开源社区参与调查问卷”,旨在对中国开源社区、开源生态、开源开发者做一次全面性地摸底调查。
- 本报告在Github上开放问卷、收集的数据及报告,欢迎大家对问卷提交PR或Issue,帮助我们提升问卷质量。
- questionnaire: 含有问卷的markdown文件,欢迎大家提出修改建议和意见。
- raw-data: 含有调查的完整数据,包含完整数据和总体数据概览。该文件夹不接受PR。
- report: 报告的PDF文件。
- This report is based on the 2015 China Open Source Participation Survey and aimed to make a comprehensive report about China OS community, OS environment and OS developers.
- This report as well as the questionnaire and raw-data are available on Github, PRs and issues to the quesionnaire are encouraged.
- questionnaire: contains the questionnaire file with markdown format.
- raw-data: contains all data of the survey, include detail and general data. PRs of this folder are not accpeted.
- report: PDF file of the report.