Utility to test connections to graylog using the GELF TCP protocol
Usage of gelftest:
gelftest [options] [message]
-c int
Number of messages to send (shorthand) (default 1)
-count int
Number of messages to send (default 1)
-e string
the source_env field in the message (shorthand) (default "dev")
-g string
The Graylog server (shorthand) (default "localhost")
-graylog string
The Graylog server (default "localhost")
-logtype string
The logtype (APP or EVENT) (default "APP")
-p int
The port of the Graylog server (shorthand) (default 12201)
-port int
The port of the Graylog server (default 12201)
-s int
Sleeptime in milliseconds between sends
-sourceenv string
the source_env field in the message (default "dev")
-t string
The logtype (APP or EVENT) (shorthand) (default "APP")
-v Be verbose
Be verbose