Github repo for the research paper titled: "Representations of regular and irregular shapes by deep Convolutional Neural Networks, monkey inferotemporal neurons and human judgments" by Ioannis Kalfas and Rufin Vogels (2017).
Inside directories: /regularIrregular/ and /regularIrregularSmall2x/
Features of stimuli are to be located inside a /features/ directory of this repository, but they will be provided through a link for download because they take a lot of disk space. Same goes for the models used (/models/ directory inside repo).
"untrained" refers to the untrained Alexnet. "untrainedVGG" refers to the untrained VGG19. The rest are self-explanatory.
They can be found in /distance_matrices/ , but bear in mind that the scripts that create them or use them, do that for the root directory of the repo. I put them in a separate folder for the sake of simpler repo structure and I will try to fix the paths used in the scripts later on.
Thank you for the understanding. Better documentation to be added..