This is a Laravel library to manage WSO2 IDP users.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require khbd/laravel-wso2-identity-api-user
The package will register itself automatically.
Then publish the package configuration file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Khbd\LaravelWso2IdentityApiUser\IdpServiceProvider
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Khbd\LaravelWso2IdentityApiUser\IdpServiceProvider --tag="idpuser"
For Lumen usage the service provider should be registered manually as follow in bootstrap/app.php:
Copy IdpUser file to config directory. Then add the bellow text to the bootstrap/app.php:
Check the config file of all variables required, and then
(new IdpUser())->create(array());
or using Facade
or using helper
Run this command to create your own sdk class.
php artisan make:idpdriver YourSDKName
Now add the class in config idpUser.php config file.
- Get Wso2 IDP User by ID
or to get only response body
Here -
set your custom SDK.
return only response from IDP server/end API
return response as array
return response as object
return response as json
- Create IDP user and get created user info
$response = IdpUser()->setPayload([
'first_name' => 'Kalyan',
'last_name' => 'Kalyan',
'username' => 'Kalyan4',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'mobile' => '01945602071',
'user_type' => '2',
'active' => true,
'department' => 'Kalyan',
- Update User By User ID
you can provide single field or multiple field at the same time
$response = IdpUser()->setPayload([
'id' =>'UserID',
'username' => 'Kalyan3',
'account_status' => 1,
'mobile' => '01945602071'
here id
and username
is mendatory. You can provide following field to update & create -
Key | Data Type | Details |
first_name | string | Update givenName |
last_name | string | [Update familyName |
password | string | Update password |
Update emails |
mobile | string | Update phoneNumbers |
user_type | integer | Update userType |
birthdate | ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME [2018-10-03T07:24:14.772+03:00] | [Update familyName |
account_disable | boolean | Update accountDisabled |
account_lock | boolean | Update accountLocked |
account_state | string | Update accountState |
department | string | Update department |
organization | string | Update organization |
country | string | Update country |
provide user single id
to delete single user or provide array of user id
to delete bulk user from IDP
$userID = 'ID';
$response = IdpUser()
here - $userID
can be single user ID or array of user ID.
user api, do not need admin permission
as a param pass a array of user crediantials like following example -
$response = IdpUser()->setPayload([
'current_password' => 'kalyan111',
'username' => '01521212121',
'new_password' => 'newPass'
query users from IDP
as a param pass a array of filter like following example -
$response = IdpUser()->setPayload([
'page' => 1,
'count' => 10,
'filter' => ''
So .env config is following -
DEFAULT_IDP = 'wso2idp' #set default idp
# add your wso2 idp information
IDP_ENABLED = true # true = if you want to enable functionality of idp
IDP_USER_DEBUG = true # true = if you want to save log in file
Suggestions, pull requests , bug reporting and code improvements are all welcome. Feel free.
Write Tests
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.