Approximately 8 months ago, I got an inspiration to creating something that can boom and show menu, which I named it Boom-Menu-Button, BMB. But at that time, I just a fresh-man in Android, knowing little about designing. The codes I wrote serveral months ago are ugly and performed low-efficient.
Between months, I always think about BMB and try to write a better design pattern for implements of BMB. My first try is BMB-iOS, which contains more family characteristics, for instance, buttons-alignment, text-inside/outside-button.
And now the BMB-Android 2.0.0 comes.
compile 'com.nightonke:boommenu:2.1.0'
Check the wiki to use BMB.
- Basic Usage
How to use BMB in just several lines of code? - Simple Circle Button
Add simple circle buttons with just an image for each to BMB.
- Text Inside Circle Button
Add text inside circle buttons with a text and image inside for each to BMB.
- Text Outside Circle Button
Add text outside circle buttons with a text and image outside for each to BMB.
- Ham Button
Add ham buttons with with a title, subtitle and image inside for each to BMB.
- Share Style
Make a share-style BMB. - Custom Position
Customize the number and positions of pieces and boom-buttons.
- Button Place Alignments
Place all the buttons to anywhere on screen.
- Different Ways to Boom
Different animations when the buttons boom or re-boom.
- Ease Animations for Buttons
Use different and cute ease-animations for buttons. - Different Order for Buttons
Different order enum for boom-buttons. - Other Animations Attributes for Buttons
Delay, duration, rotate-degrees, frames... - Click Event and Listener
Listener for clicking each button or animation-states. - Control BMB
Boom or re-boom BMB programmatically. - Use BMB in Action Bar
How to put BMB in action bar? - Use BMB in Tool Bar
How to put BMB in tool bar? - Use BMB in List
Matters need attention when you need a BMB in list-view or recycler-view. - Use BMB in Fragment
Example for use BMB in fragment. - Attributes for BMB or Pieces on BMB
How to change the size or margins of dots on BMB? - Cache Optimization & Boom Area
What if I want BMB to boom in just its parent-view? - Change Boom Buttons Dynamically
Change Boom Buttons Dynamically. - Fade Views
Add faded views on BMB.
- Version History
What's more for every version? - Structure for BMB
Structure for BMB when I designed it, for sharing and communicating.
Try to tell me the bugs or enhancements about BMB, or contact me with [email protected] / [email protected]. Before doing that, having a careful read on readme, wiki and issues is really helpful.
If you still wanna use version 1.0.9 or below, you can find the README below:
But I strongly suggest you to use the newest version.