This is a Conversion and few Upgrades to VSW, for those who has 2020 and 2040 Aluminum Extrusion Profile.
All of this Repo contents are related to the Voron Switchwire and conversions/Mods.
My Switchwire is a conversion from Geeetech A30 Printer, which is almost identical to the 12V good old Creality CR-10, built with 2020 and 2040 Aluminum Extrusion Profiles. What makes it special is:
- Automated Remote Power Control (via Relays, controlled by the Raspberry Pi from the GUI)
- Dual linear Rails with four MGN12H Blocks on the Y Axis.
- Maximum print Volume: 305 x 305 x 350 mm.
- Controller Board BTT SKR-2 at 168MHz.
- Raspberry Pi 3B Rev 1.2
- TMC2130 Silent Drivers on
all axisthe extruder. All other Axis are driven by Closed-Loop-System. GalileoClockwork 2 Extruder (Direct Drive).Volcano HotendStandard V6 Nozzle with Ceramic rounded Heater Cartridge.- 220VAC 750W 310x310 mm Silicone heated Bed (via SSR).
- 310 x 310 mm Heated Build Platform, with a magnetic Spring steel Sheet.
- Auto Bed (mesh) Probing... Well inslated Metal Detection Sensor/Z Probe.
Filament Rounout Sensor.- Hybrid Chamber Temperature Control (Passive Heating + Active Chamber Cooling + Chamber Temperature Sensor).
- Custom 3D Printed skirt, with dual 8015 silent Fans.
- External dual USB Ports for further connections to the Raspberry Pi.
- Dual Cameras (RaspiCam+USB Cam) for front and back view of the Print.
- Counterweight Key-Bak Alternative
- How to install Samba, to access your Pi's contents (Klipper directory) from Windows Explorer.
- Sample configuration for Klipper on SKR-2 Controller Board
- Sample configuration for Marlin on SKR-2 Controller Board
- X/Z Motors Mount for the 2020 and 2040 Aluminum Extrusion Profile
- Upper Belt path / X and Z Blocks
- Modified Toolhead for the E3D Volcano
- Modified X Gantry Blocks/Carriers
- Modified Headless Front Grill (AKA Skirt) with single Push Button
A collection of the most used or most useful Macros.