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Welcome to the ChatControl Wiki! This documentation covers everything you need to know to successfully setup and use the plugin to its fullest potential.
Before you proceed, It's important for you to know what kind of hardware and software is required to run ChatControl properly.
If you are considering to buy this plugin, please see the following page first. It contains the differences between the free and the premium version, with the most important features that are exclusive to ChatControl premium edition.
A very common issue with other chat-related plugins is that they override our features or cause duplicate messages, or no messages at all. Using Towny/EssentialsChat/etc. or even BanManager or others? See this article on how to fix issues.
Installation is pretty straightforward. There are some small things you should keep in mind. Click the section even if you're experienced; as the saying goes, there is always something to learn.
ChatControl uses YAML file syntax for to keep settings clean and easy for the human eye to review. Click the section to learn how to manage your .yml files.
Wonder how to change "Please wait 2 seconds before your next (...)" or "(...) joined this channel" messages, and much more? See the localization section.
Commands are key essentials to expand the functionality of ChatControl and make life easier for both players and server administrators. Click the section to view the command list.
Using your favorite permission plugin you can customize behavior for trusted players or administrators. Click the section to view all available permissions.
Most common issues and how to fix them easily. Also contains general information on how to keep plugin maintained and how to avoid issues in the future.
We kindly welcome your inquiries at the Issues section. Make sure you read Getting Help the Right Way article first, because sending a well filled bug report will land you response the quickest.
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- Channels
- Formatting
- Rules / Filters
- Handlers
- Groups
- Discord
- Toggle ignoring swears
- Variables
- JavaScript Variables
Solving Issues