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Useful Links

Matej Pacan edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 9 revisions

Here is a collection of useful web resources that will make it easier for you to maintain both your server and your copy of this plugin.


  • Paper. Paper is a Minecraft server based on Spigot, that aims to provide high grade of performance and versatility. My personal experience has been extremely satisfying, that is why I am recommending you to check it out.
  • Color Codes. A list of all available color codes that you may use within this plugin.
  • JSON Generator. Very handy JSON generator for your chat that will produce interactive chat messages, for example with elements displaying on clicking or hovering on the message.


  • PowerNBT. Provides the ability to browse offline players' inventories and adds compatibility to many (older) Minecraft versions.
  • BungeeChatAPI. Required if you are running Minecraft 1.7.10 or older.

Text Editors

  • Notepad++. Powerful yet simple and clean text editor. Using it will fix lots of trouble with different encoding.
  • Visual Studio Code. Features include support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, code refactoring, and embedded Git. Users can change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install extensions that add additional functionality.
  • Atom. Another text processor of a high quality grade, fully respecting file encodings.
  • WordPad / Notepad on Windows. NOT RECOMMENDED. You may end up corrupting your configuration, because they do not respect file encodings. Use with caution!

When Having Issues

  • YAML Parser. If you are having trouble writing .yml files, this service will check your syntax and displays exactly where the error lies.
  • This is the best place to upload your errors and stack traces to. Code high-lightning is fully supported.