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kangarko edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 64 revisions

Here you can view all the permission this plugin supports. We recommend using PermissionsEx as a permission plugin, as it has proven stability over the many years of its course.

TIP: If you are an operator and would like to enable rules for yourself as well, give yourself negative bypass permission like so: "-chatcontrol.bypass.rules". Negative permissions work for every other bypass as well.

You can view the required permission directly within the error message when you attempt to execute a command you don't have access to. Permission

/chatcontrol Commands

Permissions for the main plugin's command.

# The mute command with its sub-permissions
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute
Info: Mute game chat with "/chc mute" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute.silent
Info: Mute without broadcasting any message with "/chc mute -silent" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.mute.anonymous
Info: Mute without broadcasting player who muted the chat with "/chc mute -anonymous" command.

# The clear command with its sub-permissions
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear
Info: Clearing game chat with "/chc clear" command

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.silent
Info: Chat clear without broadcasting any message with "/chc clear -silent" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.anonymous
Info: Chat clear without broadcasting player who cleared the chat with "/chc clear -anonymous" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.clear.console
Info: Clearing the console with "/chc clear -console" command.

# Regular permissions
Perm: chatcontrol.commands.reload
Info: Reloading the configuration with "/chc reload" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.list
Info: Displaying help for the plugin with "/chc list" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.fake
Info: Broadcasting fake join/kick/leave messages with "/chc fake" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.calc
Info: Use inbuilt calculator with "/chc calc" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.inspect
Info: Analyse methods or fields in a class with "/chc inspect" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.addrule
Info: Ability to create new rules with command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.announce
Info: Announce messages with "/chc announce" command

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.import
Info: Importing rules from a file using "/chc import" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.points
Info: View player's warning points with "/chc points" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.adminchat
Info: Writing to admin chat using "/chc ach" command.

Info: Sending messages over bungee with "/chc global" command.
Note: Players still need chatcontrol.notify.globalchat permission to see the messages (which is given by default).

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.color
Info: Opens up a menu where one can change their chat color and decoration.

/channel Commands

Permissions for the channel commands.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels
Info: Basic permission required for "/channel" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.list
Info: List all channels with "/channel list" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.list.players
Info: List players in a channel with "/channel list" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.list.players.spying
Info: List all players in a channel, including spying ones, with the "/channel list" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.leave
Info: Leave a channel with "/channel leave" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.join
Info: Join a channel with "/channel join" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.spy
Info: See all messages in a channel with "/channel spy" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.mute
Info: Mute a channel with "/channel mute" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.send
Info: Send messages to a channel with "/channel send" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.switch
Info: Quickly change channels with "/channel switch" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.channels.set
Info: Enforce a new channel to a player one with "/channel set" command.

Info: List all commands regarding channels with "/channel help" command.

Other Commands

Permissions for various ChatControl commands.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.tell
Info: Issue a private message with "/tell" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.reply
Info: Reply to last received private message with "/reply" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.spy
Info: View commands executed by other players with "/spy" command.

Info: Issue a private message with "/tell" or "/reply" command even if the player is console.

Info: Issue a private message with "/tell" or "/reply" command even if the player is vanished (hidden).

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.ignore
Info: Do not see messages from other players in chat or in private messages with "/ignore" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.togglepm
Info: Allow or prevent others from sending you a private message with "/togglepm" command.

Perm: chatcontrol.commands.togglepm.others
Info: Set for others whether or not they can receive a private message with "/togglepm <player>" command.


Permissions to bypass certain checks.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.mute
Info: Allow player to chat while the chat is muted.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.time.commands
Info: Bypass command message delay.

Info: Bypass chat message delay.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.dupe.commands
Info: Allow a player to send duplicate/similar commands.

Info: Allow a player to send duplicate/similar messages.

Info: Allow to bypass adaptive anti-spam (limiting amount of messages in a time-frame).

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.limit.commands
Info: Allow to bypass adaptive anti-spam (limiting amount of commands in a time-frame).

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.move
Info: Allow player to chat even when they did not moved since joining the server.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.caps
Info: Bypass check for CAPS.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rejoin
Info: Bypass rejoin check.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.tabcomplete
Info: Allow player to tab complete.
Notice: If you are using Spigot it is highly recommended to disable this feature and use the inbuilt one in spigot.yml

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.clear
Info: Player's chat don't clears, they receive just one message instead.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.replace
Info: Player's messages will not be replaced from replace lists in chat.yml.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.capitalize
Info: Player's messages will not be capitalized.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.punctuate
Info: No dot will not be inserted after player's messages.
Notice: Permission changed in v5.0.0 from insertdot to punctuate.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.signduplication
Info: Allow player to make multiple signs with same text.

Info: Allow player to bypass all rules.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules.books
Info: Allow player to bypass rules from rules/books.txt file.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules.commands
Info: Allow player to bypass rules from rules/commands.txt file.

Info: Allow player to bypass rules from rules/chat.txt file.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules.items
Info: Allow player to bypass anvil rules from rules/items.txt file.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules.packets
Info: Allow player to bypass rules from rules/packets.txt file.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.rules.signs
Info: Allow player to bypass rules from rules/sign.txt file.
      NOTICE the name is "signs" while the file is "sign".

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.spamkick
Info: Allow player to bypass vanilla's "disconnect.spam" kick when sending messages too quickly.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.nicknames
Info: Player will not be checked against disallowed nicknames defined in the antibot section in settings.yml.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.warnpoints
Info: Players will be ignored from receiving warning points and punishments from them.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.spy
Info: Players with this permission will not have their commands logged and exposed in the /spy command.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.channellimit
Info: Allow the player to be in unlimited amount of channels.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.togglepm
Info: Enforce sending a private message to the player that has PM's disabled.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.ignore
Info: Enforce sending a message to the player that is ignoring the sender.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.spy.books
Info: The player will not trigger spy alert when signing a book.

Perm: chatcontrol.bypass.spy.signs
Info: The player will not trigger spy alert when placing signs. 


Permissions to get notified when something happens.

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.signduplication
Info: Receive a warning when a player makes multiple signs with the same text.

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.update
Info: Receive a warning when a new version of plugin is available.

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.whenmentioned
Info: Receive a sound warning when somebody mentions you in the chat.

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.announcements
Info: Receive announcements issued by "/chc announce".
Notice: True for everyone by default.

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.globalchat
Info: Receive messages sent by "/chc global"

Perm: chatcontrol.notify.outofrange
Info: Get notified when nobody sees your message in ranged chat because it's too far away.

Chat Formatter

Permissions related to the chat, for example using colors.

Info: Permission to use a specific color with the '&' character. 
      Replace {color} with the color name, or * for all colors. 
      - Use LOWERCASED names from
Info: Permission to use '&k' magic character.

Info: Permission to use '&l' character to make messages bold.

Info: Permission to use '&m' character to strikethrough the messages.

Info: Permission to use '&n' character to underline the messages.

Info: Permission to use '&o' character make the messages italics.

Info: Permission to use '&r' character to reset the chat color.

Info: Permission to speak in global chat when chat range is enabled and message starts with '!'.

Info: Permission to receive everyone's messages when ranged mode is enabled.

Info: Permission speak for all players in the entire world when ranged mode is enabled.


Permissions related to chat channels.

Note: In permissions, replace {channel} is the name of the channel.

You need to give players basic permission chatcontrol.commands.channels to be able to use channel command.

Info: Basic permission to be able to access the channel at all.

Info: Permission to join a channel with "/ch join" in a specific mode (write, read or spy, or * for all).

Info: Leave a channel with "/ch leave".

Info: Send a message to a channel with "/ch send".

Info: Mute a specific channel with "/ch mute".

Info: See messages in a channel with "/ch spy".

Info: Speak to all players in all worlds.

Info: Speak to all players in the world.

Auto Join

Permission that allow players to be automatically put in a channel after they log in to the server.

Info: Put the player into the specific channel, in a specific mode (write, read or spy).


Other permissions.

Perm 1: chatcontrol.messages.join
Perm 2: chatcontrol.messages.quit
Perm 3: chatcontrol.messages.kick
Perm 4: chatcontrol.messages.death
Info: Those four permissions control if the player can 
      view those type of messages. Given to everyone by default. 
      Give negative permissions (e.g. "-chatcontrol.messages.join") 
      to hide a type of message for a player.

Perm: chatcontrol.broadcaster.view
Info: Permission to view timed message from broadcaster. 
Note: It is true by default, needs to be explicitly denied.

Perm: chatcontrol.spy.autoenable
Info: Automatically enable command spy on login.

Perm: chatcontrol.ignoreset.{setName}
Info: Ability to toggle ignoring the set with "/chc ignore <setName>" command.
Note: The {setName} in permission is replaced by the set name 
      specified in the command. Give 'chatcontrol.ignoreset.*' permission 
      to make all sets available to toggle for players.