Learning Analytics for MOOC By: ChellaPriyadharshini M (MT2016041) Daminee Sao (MT2016045) Jyotsana (MT2016068) Kanika Narang (MT2016069) Tehreem Ansari (MT2016145)
Background: Learning data from open online courses hold great promise for research. In 2012, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University launched open online courses. The series features detailed reports about individual courses; these reports reveal differences and commonalities among massive open online courses (MOOCs). Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) provide massive amounts of data about learners and how they interact with an online learning environment. Due to its openness, MOOC students vary in their heterogeneity such as age, gender, educational background and location. Learners are not only limited to a single type path learning specialization.
Data Overview: Open source data taken from Kaggle, it provides data on 290 Harvard and MIT online courses, 250 thousand certifications, 4.5 million participants, and 28 million participant hours on the edX platform since 2012.
Business Understanding Dcument:- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJ3TkJ1oHWT9y2j5BqyI610u49DMnCmwnHUxi24O0XQ/edit?ts=59e1d63e# Data Understanding Document:- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1orasWTsKbTfQ1AT6QCwjPkwoFyGQSddfjMxRRG7rFRo/edit