- modules have context. vars of the same name under different modules may coexist
- directory structure - what's the best way to organize for the user readability and keep it DRY?
/ (root module - has root module context)
base / (base module - common components) bin / (i put the compiled terraform binary here) main.tf (this is the first tf file found by terraform - best case scenario is we edit this file as our main config)
i had an issue when building off the hashicorp/terraform master and using the citrix-terraform-netscaler plugin. had to use an older tagged version of hashicorp/terraform as there was an API version conflict w/ the terraform-provider-netscaler plugin and terraform
- DNS names - seems like the terraform-provider-netscaler won't accept FQDN, only IP. the workaround here is to set a dependency on the node being created for the lb vserver. the lb vserver won't be created until the node is built and the nodes ip is set.
- rewrite policies - not certain how to get them bound
git stuff
Go environment vars
- export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin
- export GOROOT=~/go
- export GOPATH=~/go/work
Terraform environment vars
- export TF_LOG="TRACE" # set the amount of logging you want when running terraform
to create your own environment copy a different environment buildout and make all the updates your environment needs. switching to that environment requires you to update the main.tf: module "environment"