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Hosting WM in a subfolder

Ivailo Karamanolev edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 2 revisions

Hosting WM in a subfolder isn't very hard. There are a few configuration options you have to get right, everything is the same:

  1. In your apache settings, fix the WSGIScriptAlias and Aliases to start with your desired folder, so /wm instead of /, the same goes for /static and /static/admin.
  2. In
    1. If using userscripts, fix your USERSCRIPT_WM_ROOT to be like Reinstall the userscripts.
    2. Fix your STATIC_URL to include your subfolder.
    3. Fix your LOGIN_URL to include your subfolder.
  3. Fix your cronjobs to include the subfolder in the curl URL.