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jstestadapter is a JavaScript test adapter extension for Visual Studio Test Platform. jstest with vstest can be used as a command line tool to run tests written in mocha, jasmine or jest.


npm install --save-dev jstestadapter


# Testing with default test framework, Jasmine
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/test.1.js path/to/test.2.js

# Testing with Mocha
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/test.1.js path/to/test.2.js -- JSTest.TestFramework=Mocha

# Running tests with jest
path/to/vstest.console.exe --TestAdapterPath:./node_modules/jstestadapter/ path/to/package.json -- JSTest.TestFramework=Jest

RunSettings Configuration

Option Usage Default
TestFramework One of the following test frameworks for execution: Jasmine/Mocha/Jest Jasmine
RunInDomain Run JavaScript tests in a node Domain. Note: If set to false the test must complete all execution before returning control. i.e. all callbacks such as setTimeout must be completed before the test completes execution. true
DebugLogs Enable debug logs for JavaScript test runner false
DebugFilePath Path for diagnostic logs ""
TestFrameworkConfigJson Override test framework configurations (Specific to the testframework) in json format {}
NodeModulesPath Custom path to node_modules ""

RunSettings can be provided through the the vstest cli itself

vstest.console.exe --Isolation --TestAdapterPath:<path> <files> -- JSTest.DebugLogs=true JSTest.TestFramework=mocha

Using RunSettings xml defined for vstest

vstest.console.exe --Settings:RunSettings.xml --TestAdapterPath:<path> <files>

With RunSettings.xml:

            "timeout": 60000,
            "slow": 30000

Test result attachment support

For uploading test result attachments along with tests checkout karanjitsingh/jstestcontext

Building from source

# Build binaries and javascript to `./artifacts/Debug/net451/` along with the package tarball in `./artifacts/Debug`

Build Options

Option Value Description Default
-clean Clean built output false
-nolint Build without tslint pass false
-configuration Debug, Release Build configuration Debug
-target net451, netstandard1.4 Platform for building managed code net451

Running Tests

# Self dogfooding jstest javascript tests
.\test.ps1 -vstest \path\to\vstest.console.exe

Test run options

Option Value Description Default
-runonly Run tests without building false
-parallel Enable run tests in parallel for vstest false
-discover Enable --listtests option in vstest false
-configuration Debug, Release Build configuration Debug
-log \path\to\log Will enable vstest diagnostic logs -
-test "test filter" Test filter -
-vstest \path\to\custom\vstest.console.exe Path to vstest.console.exe D:\vstest\artifacts\Debug\net451\win7-x64\vstest.console.exe

Tested with framework versions

npm (tag)
npm (tag)
npm (tag)

Used and loved by

Azure Pipelines