placeholder for ideas yet to be implemented
- pimps - implicit conversions and type-classes for Hazelcast types to make them more scala idiomatic
- eg: convert Maps and Lists etc into Scala mutable Maps and Lists so all the scala collections API can be used.
- NB will need to think about what it means wrt distributed nature of hazelcast.
- eg: convert Maps and Lists etc into Scala mutable Maps and Lists so all the scala collections API can be used.
- sanitize methods to handle failure as Options or Validations
- config DSL - create a builder style DSL to simplify programatic hazelcast configuration.
want some Algebraic Data Types(ADT) so the category theory laws work.
Immutable List - what does this mean for a distributed structure?
- can it be rebalanced across nodes?
- or are elements locked to the same Node for access performance reasons?
- can we use it like a stream to prevent fetching the full list from distributed nodes until needed?
- ???