The intention for Scazelcast is to produce a simple wrapper library for the hazelcast distributed cache/memory grid.
The wrapper will make it easier to use from a Scala program, ie hide all the messy Java stuff.
IN addition there are some higher level libraries, such as scazelcast-akka that create an Akka Actor abstraction to the underlying hazelcast grid. This allows us to use Hazelcast from Akka in a non blocking reactive manner
The project is broken into a number of separate .jar files that depend on each other hierarchically
- Pimps and wrappers for Hazelcast.
- Additional distributed data structures built on top of hazelcast low level API, more suited to functional programming.
- Depends on scazelcast-api.
- Transmogrify the scalzelcast API into an Akka Actor for nice non-blocking reactive use.
- Depends on scazelcast-akka.
- Working web-app using Spray-IO and scazelcast-akka to demo and play with use cases.
Add the following to your project's project/plugins.sbt file:-
//resolver for sbt-s3-resolver
resolvers += "Era7 maven releases" at ""
addSbtPlugin("ohnosequences" % "sbt-s3-resolver" % "0.12.0")
Add the following lines to your projects build.sbt:-
resolvers += Resolver.url("owtelse-repo-oss", new URL(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)
libraryDependencies ++= {
val scazelcastV = "2.11-0.2.2-20150914102020-04d1469"
"com.owtelse" % "scazelcast-api" % scazelcastV
- Get and Put return an Option[V] and trap exceptions to produce None
- Basic Actor for asynchronously getting and putting from a hazelcast IMap.