Usage: 1.init method: mainVC cannot be nil
- (instancetype)initWithMainViewController:(UIViewController *)mainVC
leftViewController:(UIViewController *)leftVC
rightViewController:(UIViewController *)rightVC;
2.modify the configuration.For example,picture 3 is the rightScale = 1.f
#pragma mark ---------- left config -----------
static CGFloat const leftShowWidth = 240.f;
static CGFloat const leftScale = 0.8f;
static CGFloat const leftDragbleWidth = 80.f;
static CGFloat const leftMinDragLength = 100.f;
3.use the property provided to push:
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) UINavigationController *sliderNavigationController;
This navigationController is provided by mainViewController.If you don't like so, you need to rewrite the getter of this property.