Sample app to showcase persistence in CF
- A Cloud Foundry environment
- Deploy the nfs-volume release
Once you have the environment ready, you should be able to run cf marketplace
You should be able to see the nfs service available there.
service plans description
nfs Existing NFS volumes secured with Kerberos (see:
Create the NFS service
`$ cf create-service nfs Existing myVolume -c '{"share":""}'`
You could also possibly use other folders in the nfs test server such as /export/vol2 or /export/vol3. You can also verify the files by bosh ssh into the nfs test server.
Deploy the app
cf push kitty --no-start
Set the environment variable
cf set-env kitty CF_SERVICE nfs
Bind the service
`cf bind-service kitty myVolume -c '{"uid":"1000","gid":"1000"}'`
Start the app
`cf start kitty`
This basic app will persist everything in a test.txt