pip install gonk
You can add contribution add-ons:
For Mercure support:
pip install gonk[mercure]
For Django Rest Framework support:
pip install gonk[drf]
Or both of them:
pip install gonk[drf,mercure]
# ...
python manage.py migrate
# taskrunners.py
from gonk.taskrunners import TaskRunner
from gonk.decorators import register, register_beat
from celery.schedules import crontab
# Register taskrunner
class MyTaskRunner(TaskRunner):
def revert(self):
# Specific implementation
def run(self):
# Specific implementation
# Register scheduled taskrunner
@register_beat('scheduled_taskrunner', crontab(minute='*'))
class ScheduledTaskRunner(TaskRunner):
def revert(self):
# Specific implementation
def run(self):
# Specific implementation
We have to import the taskrunner within every app.
The best way to do so is in apps.py
class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
# ...
def ready(self):
from . import taskrunners
from gonk.tasks import Task
args = {}
Task.create_task('my_taskrunner', args)
from gonk.tasks import Task
t = Task.objects.last()
from gonk.tasks import Task
t = Task.objects.last()
terminate: bool = False
You can add checkpoints to register transcendent events within the task. Every checkpoint can send a notification to the user to get feedback of the status and progress of the task.
# taskrunners.py
from gonk.taskrunners import TaskRunner
class MyTaskRunner(TaskRunner):
def run(self):
# Specific implementation
self.task.log_status('STARTED', checkpoint=False)
self.task.log_status('Checkpoint 1', checkpoint=True)
We can list the registered taskrunner with the command list_taskrunners
python manage.py list_taskrunners
We can create tasks using the command create_tasks
python manage.py create_task --help
usage: manage.py create_task [-h] [--input INPUT] [--raw-input RAW_INPUT] [--queue QUEUE] [--when WHEN] [--version] [-v {0,1,2,3}] [--settings SETTINGS] [--pythonpath PYTHONPATH] [--traceback] [--no-color] [--force-color]
positional arguments:
task_type Task type identifier
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT File input -- can be redirected from standard output
--raw-input RAW_INPUT
Raw string input -- Must be in json format
--queue QUEUE Celery queue name in which the task will be run
--when WHEN Scheduled task run date -- ISO Format
python manage.py create_task <task_type> --raw-input='{}'
cat file.json | python manage.py create_task <task_type> --queue="celery" --input -
Environment variable | Type | Description |
KEEP_TASK_HISTORY_DAYS | int | Number of days to keep the tasks |
DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | str | Default e-mail to notify |
To use Django Rest Framework extension we have to install with the
In our project urls.py
we have to add the Gonk urls:
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('tasks/', include('gonk.contrib.rest_framework.urls')),
To use Mercure extension we have to install with the
To send notifications with Mercure we have to setup the following environment variables:
Variable | Type | Description |
MERCURE_HUB_URL | str | Mercure service URL |
MERCURE_JWT_KEY | str | Mercure's JWT Token to publish events |
# taskrunners.py
from gonk.taskrunners import TaskRunner
from gonk.contrib.notifications.mercure import MercureNotificationMixin
class MyTaskRunner(MercureNotificationMixin, TaskRunner):
# Specific implementation
git clone [email protected]:kasfactory/gonk.git && cd gonk
pip install poetry
poetry install
docker-compose up -d
poetry run celery -A test_app worker
poetry run celery -A test_app beat
At this point, we have to ensure that
tasks are detected