Welcome to the official PHP SDK of the Katanox API. You can simply install the SDK using Composer and after providing your API key you can start calling the API.
Make sure you create a Travel Seller account at the Katanox Platform first so that you can receive a sandbox API key.
Via Composer
$ composer require katanox/katanox-php
Download the files and include autoload.php
All URIs are relative to https://api.katanox.com/v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AvailabilityApi | getAvailableProperties | GET /availability | Retrieve the list of available properties |
BookingsApi | cancelBookingById | DELETE /bookings/{booking_id} | Cancel a booking |
BookingsApi | cancelReservation | DELETE /bookings/{booking_id}/reservations/{reservation_id} | Cancel a reservation |
BookingsApi | createBooking | POST /bookings | Create a booking |
BookingsApi | createReservation | POST /bookings/{booking_id}/reservations | Create a reservation |
BookingsApi | getBookingById | GET /bookings/{booking_id} | Retrieve a booking |
BookingsApi | getReservationById | GET /bookings/{booking_id}/reservations/{reservation_id} | Retrieve a reservation by id |
BookingsApi | updateReservation | PUT /bookings/{booking_id}/reservations/{reservation_id} | Update a reservation |
OfferApi | offerRefresh | POST /offers/{offer_id}/refresh | Refresh an offer |
OfferApi | offerValidate | GET /offers/{offer_id} | Retrieve an offer |
PropertiesApi | getProperties | GET /properties | Retrieve the list of contracted properties |
PropertiesApi | getPropertyById | GET /properties/{id} | Retrieve a property by id |
PropertiesApi | getRateplanById | GET /properties/{property_id}/rate-plans/{id} | Retrieve a rate plan by id |
PropertiesApi | getUnitById | GET /properties/{property_id}/units/{id} | Retrieve a unit by id |
- AvailabilityAvailabilityAndPrice
- AvailabilityExtraCharge
- AvailabilityOffer
- AvailabilityPrice
- DtoAmenity
- DtoBedType
- DtoCancellationPolicy
- DtoCreatedBooking
- DtoCreatedReservation
- DtoFacility
- DtoI18NProperty
- DtoI18NRatePlan
- DtoI18NUnit
- DtoNoShowPolicy
- DtoPayment
- DtoPerson
- DtoPrice
- DtoProperty
- DtoPropertyImage
- DtoRatePlan
- DtoRatePlanService
- DtoReservation
- DtoUnit
- DtoUnitImage
- GeopointGeoPoint
- HttpBookingAndReservationLinks
- HttpBookingCreationRequest
- HttpBookingData
- HttpBookingResponse
- HttpPayment
- HttpPerson
- HttpReservationCreationRequest
- HttpReservationData
- HttpReservationResponse
- HttpReservationUpdateRequest
- ModelAmenity
- ModelApiError
- ModelBedType
- ModelGetAvailabilityResponse
- ModelGetPropertiesResponse
- ModelGetPropertyByIdResponse
- ModelGetRatePlanByIdResponse
- ModelGetUnitByIdResponse
- ModelI18NUnit
- ModelInternalServerError
- ModelLink
- ModelOffersData
- ModelPage
- ModelPropertiesData
- ModelPropertiesMeta
- ModelPropertyData
- ModelUnit
- ModelUnitImage
- OfferGetOfferResponse
To run the tests, use:
composer install
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Build package: