- Testing
- Debuggers
- Continuous Delivery
- Static Analysis
- Profiling
- Hacking Tools
- Network
- Databases
- Logging
- Message Brokers
- Project Mangement
- Monitoring
- Documentation
- Presentations
- Software Defined Network
- Penetration Tests
- Performance/Load tests
- Web
- PaaS
- Cluster Bootstraping
- Cluster Orchestration
- Automation
- Diagrams
- HTTP Reverse Proxies / Load balancers
- HTTP traffic analysis
- UI Prototyping
- Crawlers
- Machine Learning
- Content Analysis
- Natural Language Processing
- Scrapping
- Proxy Providers
- Captcha Breaking
- Email Verification
- Distributed System Validation
- Window Managers
- SysDig
- sysdig-inspect
- Prometheus
- Zabbix
- Monit
- Munin
- collectd
- Ganglia
- Monitorix
- DaemonTools
- Performance Co Pilot
- CachetHQ
- StatusPage
- cAdvisor
- Sensu
- Graphite
- Grafana
- Snap
- pome
- netdata
- Read the docs
- MKDocs
- Github pages
- Document-Bootstrap
- Dexy
- Pandoc
- Swagger
- API Blueprint
- Dox
- Sphinx HTTP
- iodocs
- ShareLaTeX
- Tsung
- Gatling
- slapper
- k6
- curl-loader
- httperf
- ab
- wrk
- go-wrk
- boom
- vegeta
- Bees with machine guns
- goad
- hargo
- JMeter