npm install --save @kobayami/env-utils
Utilities for multi-platform code that runs in Web and NodeJS environments:
- Check for environment type (NodeJS or Web)
- Enable dynamic NodeJS module loading during runtime (i.e., not via static
statements) - WebPack compatibility
Dynamically loads a NodeJS module during runtime. Throws an exception if the code is not running in a NodeJS environment. This can also be safely embedded into code running in a Web environment like this:
if (envType === EnvType.NODE) {
const leModule = requireNodeModuleAtRuntime('leModule');;
This is a practical example from @kobayami/threads
const WorkerClass = envType === EnvType.NODE?
requireNodeModuleAtRuntime('worker_threads').Worker: Worker
For multi platform code, this approach is sometimes necessary,
because NodeJS specific modules must only be loaded after we have confirmed
that we are not running in a Web environment.
A simple import
at the beginning of a file would therefore not work,
browsers would raise a 404 error.
Module loading via this function is also compatible with WebPack, which is
the actual reason why we need it as a wrapper for the NodeJS require
When your code is being bundled and packaged by WebPack, dynamic module loading
via this approach does not confuse WebPack. No additional configuration is necessary.