Based on paulsonoflars/gotgbot types generation and inspired by mr-linch/go-tg
All the telegram types and methods are generated from
a bot api spec. These are generated in the gen_*.go
- All telegram API types and methods are generated from the bot api docs, which makes this library:
- Guaranteed to match the docs
- Easy to update
- Self-documenting (Re-uses pre-existing telegram docs)
- Type safe; no weird interface{} logic, all types match the bot API docs.
- No third party library bloat; only uses standard library.
- Updates are each processed in their own go routine, encouraging concurrent processing, and keeping your bot responsive.
- Code panics are automatically recovered from and logged, avoiding unexpected downtime.
- FSM (finite state machine) support
- Router with middleware support
- Keyboard and InlineKeyboard builders
- Webhook support
- Event driven updates handling
Download the library with the standard go get
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
bot, err := lumex.NewBot(os.Getenv("BOT_TOKEN"), nil)
if err != nil {
message, err := bot.SendMessage(123, "hello", nil)
This example demonstrates simple bot with graceful shutdown, logging, error handling and panic handling
package main
import (
zerologAdapter ""
var logger = zerolog.New(
zerolog.NewConsoleWriter(func(w *zerolog.ConsoleWriter) {
w.Out = os.Stderr
w.TimeFormat = time.RFC3339
func main() {
bot, err := lumex.NewBot(os.Getenv("BOT_TOKEN"), nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal().Err(err).Msg("failed to create bot")
logger.Info().Str("username", bot.User.Username).Msg("bot authorized successfully")
routerLogger := zerologAdapter.NewAdapter(&logger)
r := router.New(
router.WithErrorHandler(func(ctx *router.Context, err error) {
if errors.Is(err, router.ErrRouteNotFound) {
logger.Error().Err(err).Interface("upd", ctx.Update).Msg("handle update error")
r.OnStart(func(ctx *router.Context) error {
return ctx.ReplyVoid("Hello")
r.OnMessage(func(ctx *router.Context) error {
return ctx.ReplyVoid("Undefined command!")
interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM)
ctx := context.Background()
r.Listen(ctx, interrupt, 5*time.Second, 100, &lumex.GetUpdatesChanOpts{
Buffer: 100,
GetUpdatesOpts: &lumex.GetUpdatesOpts{
Timeout: 600,
RequestOpts: &lumex.RequestOpts{
Timeout: 600 * time.Second,
AllowedUpdates: []string{
ErrorHandler: func(err error) {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("get updates error")
logger.Info().Str("username", bot.User.Username).Msg("bot stopped")
P.S. You can handle every update manually using
instead ofrouter.Listen
// ...
const userCtxKey = "user"
func UserMiddleware(ctx *router.Context) error {
user := getUserFromDB(ctx.Sender().Id)
ctx.SetContext(context.WithValue(ctx.Context(), userCtxKey, user))
return ctx.Next()
// ...
menu := lumex.NewMenu().SetPlaceholder("Select an option")
return ctx.ReplyWithMenuVoid("keyboard", menu)
// or
ctx.Bot.SendMessage(ctx.ChatID(), "test", &lumex.SendMessageOpts{
ReplyMarkup: menu,
menu := lumex.NewInlineMenu()
// menu.Row().PayBtn("pay") - supported only in invoice messages
menu.Row().CallbackBtn("callback", "callback_data")
// menu.Row().
// URLBtn("URL", "").
// LoginBtn("login", "") // verify domain in bot settings
menu.Row().WebAppBtn("webapp", "")
SwitchInlineQueryBtn("switch", "query").
SwitchInlineCurrentChatBtn("switch chat", "query")
menu.Row().CopyBtn("copy", "copied value")
return ctx.ReplyWithMenuVoid("Inline keyboard", menu)
// or
ctx.Bot.SendMessage(ctx.ChatID(), "test", &lumex.SendMessageOpts{
ReplyMarkup: menu,
We often code our
, so with lumex you can work with it so easily
r.OnStart(func(ctx *router.Context) error {
menu := lumex.NewInlineMenu()
var buttons []lumex.InlineKeyboardButton
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
sid := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
buttons = append(buttons, lumex.CallbackBtn("Product "+sid, "product:"+sid))
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
sid := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i)
buttons = append(buttons, lumex.CallbackBtn("Category "+sid, "category:"+sid))
menu.Fill(2, buttons...)
return ctx.ReplyWithMenuVoid("Menu", menu)
r.OnCallbackPrefix("product", func(ctx *router.Context) error {
return ctx.AnswerAlertVoid("You selected product " + ctx.ShiftCallbackData(":"))
r.OnCallbackPrefix("category", func(ctx *router.Context) error {
return ctx.AnswerAlertVoid("You selected category " + ctx.ShiftCallbackData(":"))
Context has similar methods for
Using Lumex, you can define event handlers either without state or with state.
Routes associated with a specific state are ignored if the state is not set (i.e., ctx.SetState(...)
has not been called). This means that routes without a specific state are global and accessible from any state.
To make a handler global, you simply need to declare it before all state-specific routers.
Additionally, you can define a fallback handler. To do this, declare it at the very end, after all global event handlers and state-specific routers. A fallback handler will only trigger if no global or state-specific handler matches before it.
This approach allows you to define global routes like MainMenu, Help, and others, while also ensuring that unmatched events are handled appropriately by the fallback handler.
r.Use(func(ctx *router.Context) error {
state := loadStateFromDB(ctx.Sender().Id)
if state != nil {
return ctx.Next()
r.OnStart(mainMenu) // always available, because defined before any UseState router
enterProductName := r.UseState("enter_product_name")
r.OnMessage(mainMenu) // will be called only if `ctx.UseState("enter_product_name")` not called
Real FSM implementation you can find in examples
Global (router) middlewares declares using r.Use(...)
// ...
Global middlewares executes always before checking routes (Even no routes defined or matched). Also you can add route middleware. Route middlewares executes only if route matched, before route handler
r.OnMessage(logMessage, mainMenu) // logMessage is a route middleware
Sometimes you need to add one route middleware to group of routes:
typingGroup := r.Group(typingMiddleware) // typingMiddleware provides sending typing action
typingGroup.OnCommand("/download_big_file", downloadBigFile)
Webhook for many bots in one API or mini app builders
Raw telegram methods here.
Router & Context here.
in progress...