#ABOUT FIVE SECONDS AND MORE Repository of the Global Game Jam Cologne game "About Five Seconds And More" A local multiplayer game where players argue over pointless decissions that bring hilariously unexpected outcomes.
##Game description A finicky stilish guy, a rude redhead dude, a badass smoker girl and a naked kid in the anal phase keep stumbling upon evil walls in their way. With the help of famous and infamous characters they will take them down. They only have to decide on the methods to do it. How hard can decission making be?
Global Game Jam game site
##Known issues
- The game is only playable with a gamepad. The game is only tested with an Xbox 360 controller.
- Only Xbox 360 Controller works till yet.
- The music gets added on top on every scenario. This might not be pleasant to many.
- There is no exit. Press the Windows Button or go to Desktop to close the game manually.