Chrome extension that provides word hints while playing Bomb Party
- Download a release version or clone repo
- Load unpacked extension
When playing Bomb Party, click the extension icon to activate the extension.
Or even better, set a shortcut in your browser settings to activate it, saving you vital milliseconds! Make sure you pick a shortcut combination that is unused.
Once activated, it will display up to 50 of the shortest words that contain the detected syllable.
Head to extension options to enable Lazy Mode.
When the extension is activated and it's your turn, it will randomly pick one of the displayed hint words and type it into the input.
You still have to submit it yourself by hitting the enter key.
Use at your own risk. Not responsible for ruined friendships! 🐸☕
25,322 words
- console.log in popup is different to console.log in a content script!!! SMH
- To see popup console, inspect the popup as it's a self contained webpage
With manifest v3
- Popup does not have access to page
- Tried using background service worker however it is documented that an action event listener will not fire if the action opens a popup
- New strategy
- Popup injects content script
- Content script reads page and sends message to popup
- Popup listens for message
chrome-types helps with chrome api autocomplete in vscode
npm i chrome-types