Open a terminal and go on the directory where you want create your project (Exemple : /mnt/data/projects/MyCrazyProject
- Check PHP version is >= 8.2 by using :
php -v
# PHP 8.3.4 (cli) (built: Mar 16 2024 12:05:08) (NTS
- Check Composer version is >= 2.5.8 by using :
composer -V
# Composer version 2.5.8 2023-05-24 15:00:39
- Install last version of CrazyPHP by using :
composer require kzarshenas/crazyphp
For work on development mode, visit this link
- (Optional) Link to local CrazyPHP repo (for development & debug), update the
with the content below :
If you are using OS Windows, make sure to execute
npm i
into the CrazyPHP folder
"require": {
"kzarshenas/crazyphp": "@dev"
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "./../../CrazyProject/CrazyPHP", // Path of your CrazyPHP installation
"options": {
"symlink": true
If you are using Docker, do not forget to add
- '/etc/CrazyPHP:/etc/CrazyPHP'
on you docker compose config as volume for the service php-fpm
And then execute the command below in the terminal :
composer update
- Execute the new project cli command by using :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand new project
# 🎉 New project created with success 🎉
If you want use Docker to launch your app, read this tuto Install Docker