My crazy framework for creating ultra-fast webapps.
Install via composer :
composer require kzarshenas/crazyphp
New project :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand new project
Update project :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand update project
Delete project :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand delete project
New router
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand new router
Delete router
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand delete router
New router type
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand new routerType
Delete router type
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand delete routerType
New router type
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand new extension
Update extension
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand update extension
Delete router type
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand delete extension
Clean trash
When you remove router... a backup of the files removed are copy into the trash.
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyCommand delete trash
Create docker compose :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyDocker new
Delete docker compose :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyDocker delete
Up docker compose :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyDocker up
Down docker compose :
php vendor/kzarshenas/crazyphp/bin/CrazyDocker down
Run test (usign PHPUnit)
php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
Env variables of the app are stored in
Name | Tokken | Type | Description |
CRAZY_ROOT | @crazyphp_root | <string> | Root of crazyphp vendor folder |
APP_ROOT | @app_root | <string> | Root of your crazy application |
PHPUNIT_TEST | @phpunit_test | <bool> | Determine if we are in a test context |
CONFIG_LOCATION | @config_location | <string> | Determine the location of the configs files |
ROUTER_APP_PATH | @router_app_path | <string> | Determine the path of the front files of the routers |
ROUTER_CONTROLLER_PATH | @router_controller_path | <string> | Determine the path of the back end controller of routers |
ROUTER_TYPE_PATH | @router_type_path | <string> | Determine the path of the back end router type |
TRASH_PATH | @trash_path | <string> | Determine the path of the trash |
TRASH_DISABLE | @trash_disable | <string> | Determine if the trash is disable |
PARAMETERS_URL_OVERRIDE | @parameters_url_override | <object> | Override parameters passed by url |
- New Project : How to create a new crazy project
- Api
- Api v2
- About Api V2 : All you need to know about Api v2
- Schema of Api Response : Schema of a api request.
- Schema of Api Response : Schema of a json request from backend.
- Special Get Parameters : Special get parameters
- Api v2
- Crazy Asset : Register a Crazy Asset
- Crazy Router : Register a Crazy Router
- Core
- Context : Data defined in context
- Docker
- Install Docker : Setup docker of your app
- Mariadb : Docker command for manipulate Mariadb
- Mongo : Docker command for manipulate Mongo DB
- Mysql : Docker command for manipulate Mysql
- Node : Docker command for manipulate NodeJS
- Php : Docker command for manipulate PHP
- Postgresql : Docker command for manipulate Postgresql
- Model
- About Model : How to define a model with Api v2
- Script
- Comment Headers : Rules for the comment header of files like PHP, JS, JSON, YAML...
- Condig Router : Rules for config router
- Context : Schema of the context
- Favicon : Schema of favicons
- Test : Test of the code
- Structure
- Create Folder Structure : Tutoriel to learn how to create folder schema